The strong images captured the exact moment when the man is hit by the car and lies on the pavement.

VIDEO: Run over a man in West L.A. and he runs away

The Los Angeles Police Department is seeking to identify the driver who fled the scene.

Screenshot / Courtesy

A video with strong images shows the exact moment in which a man is hit by a car while standing on the street and screaming in front of a building West L.A.

The event was recorded at the end of last April, however, the authorities of the division of West traffic of the Los Angeles Police Department issued the crime alert known as hit & run on May 11.

Images are strong and discretion is required.

The events occurred in Wilshire Boulevard and Bounty Street about 10:30 p.m. April 29.

Authorities are seeking help and information to identify the driver of the vehicle. The victim is presumed he was a person in a street situation.


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