Saturday, April 27, 2024
How often are radon tests wrong?
About 40% of the short-term tests incorrectly indicate that the radon level is below the Action Limit (“false negatives”). Although the home should be mitigated, the homeowner may feel confident that there is no radon problem. Even the 90-day radon tests show false negatives in two out of eight tests (or 25%). Moreover, What time of day is...
Can air purifiers help with radon?
Air Purifiers are great for mold, dust, allergies, bacteria and viruses, and odors, but many people do not know that they can also help with toxins, gases and chemicals such as radon. The most important type of air filter to reduce radon levels is an activated carbon filter. Moreover, Does running furnace fan reduce radon? In many homes,...

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Is Atlanta or Texas better?

The City of Dallas measures out at 385 square miles, which is significantly larger than the City of Atlanta's 133 square...

What is the best place to live in Rhode Island?

The 20 Best Places to Live in Rhode Island Fox Point. ...

Do looks matter as a realtor?

Your appearance is the first impression. Real estate is a business based on meeting people and clients are going to feel more comfortable...

Is El Paso Texas a good place to live?

El Paso is among the Best Places to Live in the nation, according to U.S. News and World Report rankings for 2017. The...

Does it ever snow in Shreveport Louisiana?

Measurable snowfall amounts occur on an average of only once every other year; many consecutive years may pass with no measurable snowfall. The...

What does a low inventory mean?

Real estate inventory correlates to home availability: in situations where there are few homes available, there is “low inventory.” If people are not...

Is Tampa Better than Miami?

On the whole, Tampa beats out Miami in terms of housing affordability: Miami's average housing costs loom 44% above national averages, with the...

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Lincoln is the second most dangerous major town in Lincolnshire, and is among the top 20 most dangerous overall out of Lincolnshire's 563 towns, villages, and cities. The overall crime rate in Lincoln in...
If you decide to visit Salem in October, then it is anything but overrated. This small town in Massachusetts considers itself the Halloween capital of the world, and after visiting here during the Halloween...
Surprise, happiness, but also disappointment, disillusionment are feelings well known to those who are called "impatriates". For the "Impatent Me" podcast, Eric Gendry of French Morning has spread his microphone to French people who tell...

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What home improvements do not add value?

Overly High-End Renovations Choosing the most expensive door hardware, internal light fixtures, etc, are examples of upgrades that you don't...

Where should I not live in Atlanta?

The most dangerous parts of Atlanta include U-Rescue Villa, Old Fourth Ward, Kirkwood (which is known for gangs), Castleberry Hill,...

What is the safest area to live in Charlotte NC?

If you're moving to Queen City, here are five safe and affordable neighborhoods to consider! ...