The company they demand, LSG Sky Chefs, provides food services in different airlines

A set of workers of the airport from The Angels (LAX) started on Wednesday a hunger strike in demand from Better work conditions, informed the organization Unite Here. It's about the employees of food services, who claim that what they earn does not reach them for their own food.

In an effort to obtain accessible medical insurance Y fair wages, They are twenty company employees LSG Sky Chefs who will go on hunger strike, which they plan to hold during three days since Wednesday.

The company LSG Sky Chefs It provides the food services that are served during the flights of different airlines. The workers are represented by the organization Unite Here Local 11.

In 2019, the union conducted a survey whose results showed that at least 27% of employees in that company avoided seeking medical attention or using medications, even if they need them, because they cannot afford them. According to the site Daily News, Margarita Hernandez She is one of these workers, with 68 years of age, just earns above the minimum floor, that is, gets $ 15.25 the hour but you have to pay $ 200 dollars per month For the insurance.

"I recently had a vein burst in my eye, but that is not covered by insurance," he said in an interview last November. “I need to go to a specialist, but I can't afford it"

The hunger strike will be carried out 20 employees That they will refrain from food and liquids, except water, for what has drawn the attention of important figures for the community, such as the senator Maria Elena Durazoas well as of Ron Herrera, president of the Los Angeles County Workers Federation, who will support his action.

The strike will take place outside the company's facilities, in the number 6901 of Imperial Highway, at the Los Angeles airport, in Inglewood.

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