Ubees at the Startup Tour 2019

Ubees won, on Tuesday, September 24, the final of the Startup Tour 2019, a big competition of French startups organized in New York by the FrenchFounders network.

The French-born young shoot, which was the subject of the first episode of the French Morning podcast "French Ecolo", aims to save bees in rural areas while they are threatened by pesticides, viruses and viruses. the reduction of their natural habitat. "Bees are important. To see that this generates a movement and that we are supported encourages us to go further and to make every day a little better", told Maximilian Ebrard, one of the co-founders of Ubees, after the victory.

He was the one who ensured the pitch of the company before the floor of nine judges in charge of separating the seven finalists. He concluded his three-minute presentation with an enthusiastic "make bees great again".

The prize is awarded to a startup founded by a Frenchman who wishes to develop in the American market. The key: a one-year membership to FrenchFounders, $ 15,000 in funding, mentoring sessions and credits on Google Cloud in particular.

Ubees, buying beehives in the United States to install sensor systems to monitor the health of bees ("precision beekeeping"), already has 15,000 in South Dakota, Texas and in California. She aims to have 100,000 by 2023 to become the largest owner of beehives in the United States. "We have lots of projectsindicates Maximilian Ebrard. One of them: "re-generate natural areas by growing local endemic plants to restore food to bees as they have been devastated by intensive agriculture".

The startup Crossing Minds has won the Audience Award. Led by Alexandre Robicquet, she has developed a technology that can refine the recommendations of movies, music or series for users of content platforms.

An award to an American startup targeting the French market was also awarded during the event: OndaVia has set up an analysis solution that allows liquids to be tested in a few minutes using a portable tool.


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