Floods, hail and snow define Christmas in Los Angeles

Christmas will be affected by rains in Los Angeles.

J. Emilio Flores / The Opinion

A winter front will be the protagonist of Christmas in the Los Angeles County and other points in southern California.

Week starts with rains this Monday. About two inches will fall in the region so the authorities warn of dangers of ground slides, especially in areas where there were fires in the fall.

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Tuesday of Good night There will be a truce with a semi-dry weather, but things will get worse again on Christmas Wednesday with a constant storm.

Travelers can wait hail and snow when crossing elevated areas. The storm is expected to shed up to 6 inches of snow at the highest points. In Los Angeles, up to two inches of rain are expected.

Residents should also prepare for the cold as temperatures will barely reach 60ºF.

Precipitation will leave the region on Friday. A dry weekend is expected.


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