A new poll favors the senator Bernie Sanders in California, according to the results that were published this Thursday. The study, which conducted the Berkeley University, shows that a quarter of potential voters in the next primary elections they would rather see Sanders as a candidate for Democratic Party, to contend against Donald Trump by presidency from the country.

The survey, which places Sanders in 24% of preferences, showed with this that the senator has managed to increase support in the state by 5% since September. With this, you are at the forefront of preferences while Elizabeth Warren It is located at 22%. Will be the March 3rd when the party's primary elections are held in California.

While, Mike Bonin, councilor from The Angels, announced this Thursday that supports to Bernie Sanders for president. Bonin is one of the most progressive city councilors, co-author of the initiative that increased the minimum salary at $ 15 dollars/ hour, and promoter of improvements in the sector of living place.

“Los Angeles is the third largest urban economy of the world, but it has one of the worst levels of inequality in the country, ”Councilman Bonin warned that this is one of the reasons he joins the‘ Sanders team ’.


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