Friday, May 3, 2024
Practical informationLab Five9740 Telfair Ave, PacoimaOpen everyday from 9:30 am to midnightPrice: $ 10 per hour per playerInformation hereThe power of a countertop discussion should never be underestimated. It can take you far. ...
French Morning continues its pre-election series “Me, French and American voter”. We are going to meet bi-nationals across the country who will help us discover the challenges of the election, and the specificities of...
The US economy is still sick with Covid. In a few months, the unemployment rate went from a historically low level (3.5% in February) to a peak (14.7% in April) not reached since the...
French Morning continues its pre-election series “Me, French and American voter”. We are going to meet bi-nationals across the country who will help us discover the challenges of the election, and the specificities of...
Few buildings in the world fuel so much interest, even fantasies. Yet the history of the White House is still largely unknown. Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About The White House: This...
The rooftop terrace of the New York Consulate certainly doesn't have the gilding of the lounges - nor the view of Central Park, but it does offer the great outdoors so sought after in these...
NEW DATE Do you have questions for the French officials? It's time to prepare them: French Morning San Francisco welcomes this week Roland Lescure, the deputy for the constituency of the French in North America...
With a steadily declining curve for more than three weeks, Governor Greg Abbott has just partially lifted the restrictions related to Covid and is gradually reopening Texas. It allows many companies to increase their...
Practical informationFor this very special July 14, the French Embassy is celebrating "Bastille Day" online:At 5:00 p.m. Washington DC time, find the festivities on the Embassy's website, including the Ambassador's speech and guest speakers, including...
Thursday July 12, 8:30 am. Players from Toronto FC and DC United warm up on the lawn at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Orlando before their scheduled match kicks off at 9am....