Christopher Dennis, a homeless man known as "Hollywood Superman" who spent years on the Walk of Fame, was well known for his great resemblance to Christopher Reeve

Hollywood Superman dies, homeless and homeless

Christopher Dennis was a very famous Superman impersonator on Hollywood Blvd.

YouTube screenshot

Christopher Dennis, a street artist known for playing Superman on Hollywood Boulevard for more than 25 years, has died, TMZ reports.

Police sources told TMZ that Dennis was found dead on Saturday in the San Fernando Valley. His body was discovered lying on his head in a container used for clothing donations.

Investigators believe that Christopher, who was homeless, was trying to collect clothes for himself. The authorities say that There is no suspicion that his death was not accidental.

Dennis's story is both charming and tragic: after 2 decades of entertaining people in Hollywood by posing as The Man of Steel in the Hall of FameHe was the victim of an assault and robbery that almost killed him and left him without a way to earn money.

This is a short video filming for a Kickstarter campaign to help you:

He was homeless, but thanks to the help of friends and that Kickstarter campaign, He got a new suit that allowed him to stand up and return to the Blvd to please Superman fans.

He also starred in the documentary "Confessions of a Superhero" and appeared several times on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"

Sadly, it seems that it fell on difficult times again recently. Christopher was 52 years old.

Many remember him as a popular and beloved figure of Hollywood Boulevard.


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