Until Monday, medical examinations were limited for vulnerable people

All Angelenos Can Now Request Coronavirus Screening Tests

The county has put in more points to test for coronavirus.


The 10 million residents of Los Angeles County can now apply to get the coronavirus screening test, as announced this Monday by the mayor of the city of Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti.

Until now, only people over 65, with previous pathologies or with a weakened immune system, could access the test. Garcetti indicated that "There would be no more limits".

However, as the mayor clarified, the opening of medical examinations does not imply that tests are now available to everyone in the county, the most populous in the United States but now there is a greater capacity than it had under previous guidelines.

On their website, both the county and the city of Los Angeles explain how request an appointment for a test and where to find the places to take the test. Help can also be obtained by dialing 221. Health authorities remember that “in case of severe symptoms, consult your doctor. If it's an emergency, dial 911. ”

The county announcement comes the same day it started expand the number of locations to undergo testing in Los Angeles. "We are working to build a network of test sites that are free and open to any member of the public," the institution said in a statement highlighting that the person's immigration status will not be taken into account.

VIDEO: How the coronavirus 'drive-thru' test centers work in LA


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