Practical information

Katia Ghazi Dahan, O D. (France), LMT

Address: 292 Bloomfield Ave, 2nd Floor Montclair, NJ 07042

Phone: (862) 888-5412

(Partner Article) In France, osteopathy is booming since its legal recognition in 2002. In the United States, it is a more complicated case.

Nearly one French person in two has already consulted an osteopath, "While in the United States, osteopathy is much less known, explains Katia Ghazi-Dahan, osteopath settled in Montclair, New Jersey. Here, osteopathy is actually practiced by doctors, "Who prescribe drugs and generally use only some osteopathic techniques in addition". Unlike France, osteopathy is not a profession in itself, regulated as such.

When she arrived from France in 2011, to follow her husband, Katia Ghazi-Dahan therefore discovered a medical landscape that she did not know. "Here there is not the equivalent of the osteopath diploma I obtained in France after six years of study". Resume medical studies of zero not being an option, so she passes a license of "therapeutic massage".

Now settled in a "New Jersey Center for Healthy Living" in Montclair, Katia receives "A lot of what's called the"Challenging cases", people who have tried everything to no avail and arrive after ten years after someone tells them, "you should try osteopathy".In France, the dazzling success of osteopathy, these last ten years, makes sure that "Patients come a lot sooner".

"Of the patients I had recently, says Katia Ghazi-Dahan, for example, someone who had a back surgery a few years ago, some of his lumbar vertebrae had to be fused together. He was in pain all the time. The pain medication regimen and treatment sessions kprescribed by his doctor have nothing changed, the pains persisted. "Thanks to the osteopathic approach, her pains gradually faded until they disappeared completely!"

KatiaRecurrent migraines, persistent vertebral pain, digestive disorders, musculoskeletal dysfunction, are the most common disorders of patients. Thanks to word of mouth, Katia Ghazi has built up a solid clientele of patients, often from New York, who are both Americans "who have tried everything" and Frenchmen delighted to find here the care they had discovered in the past. France.

Faithful to the philosophy that seduced her when she discovered osteopathy in first year of medicine in Paris, she now shares on this side of the Atlantic "This fascinating approach consists in considering the whole human body and the interactions between different anatomical structures". In sessions of 45 minutes to one hour for adults and 30 minutes for babies, it applies, by "Soft manipulations", to achieve the ultimate goal of osteopathy: "remedy mechanical blockages to restore the body's incredible self-healing abilities. "


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Practical information

Katia Ghazi Dahan, O D. (France), LMT

Address: 292 Bloomfield Ave, 2nd Floor Montclair, NJ 07042

Phone: (862) 888-5412


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