They say that California only has two and that if you have symptoms you have to report it regardless of immigration status

This Friday, the Secretary of Health and Human Services of the United States, Alex Azar, declared the outbreak of coronavirus as a public health emergency in the country.

Almost simultaneously, officials in Los Angeles informed the community about the myths and realities that have spread on the Internet since the nation's first case was announced last January 26.

Coronavirus is a type of germ that causes diseases ranging from the common cold to severe respiratory diseases.

The new strain, identified as 2019-nCoV, is a type of virus that had not been identified before in humans, so there is no vaccine yet.

Dr. Muntu Davis of the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said that so far two cases of coronavirus have been reported in California.

“I want to confirm that we have only had one case in Los Angeles County from a traveler at Los Angeles LAX airport, who was not in the community but showed symptoms according to the CDC guidelines [Center for Control and Prevention of diseases], ”he said.

Some signs of the disease are fever, cough and shortness of breath. Given this, the doctor added that the person was taken to a place to be treated but due to privacy rules he did not reveal where he was.

Davis said there is no immediate threat to California residents at the moment.
"Both health departments, county [Los Angeles] and state [California], said it is a low-risk threat," he said.

He added that in Illinois a case was detected that was transmitted from person to person but that was due to a couple who were at home and who are already receiving help.

What you should know about coronavirus.

What should you know about the coronavirus?

Davis said there are no special precautions and no one – who has no respiratory diseases – should be excluded from activities due to ethnicity, country of origin or for a recent trip.

Assemblyman Ed Chau, who represents the Monterey Park area – an area known to have a high Asian population – assured the public that all officials are working 24 hours a day to monitor and contain the expansion of the coronavirus.

"As community leaders, we also have the responsibility to dispel non-true information regarding the spread of the coronavirus," he said.

The disease was first detected in the city of Wuhan, China, and so far it has claimed the lives of more than 250 people in at least 30 countries. For this reason, the World Health Organization declared the virus as a global emergency.

The virus affects the elderly and children more. Take the necessary precautions if you feel the symptoms, ”Assemblyman Chau recommended.

So far there is no specific treatment to treat it but the symptoms of each case can be treated.

False Reports

In the press conference that took place yesterday in the San Gabriel Valley, the supervisor of the angelino county, Hilda Solís, said that since they found out about the virus they began to investigate.

He also denied false statements that report that the cities of Carson and Torrance have people infected with coronaviruses.

He added that these announcements can be a form of racial discrimination towards the Asian community.

"We don't want people to be afraid to report if they don't feel well," he explained.

He added that the undocumented should not be afraid to go to the doctor even if they lack health insurance since Los Angeles County has community clinics and the general hospital can also help people.


Dr. Davis said it is important to pay extra attention since the coronavirus can be initially confused with any other cold or flu, since the symptoms are similar.

"Think about the last 14 days, if you traveled to China and if you may be at risk we recommend you contact your doctor for an evaluation," he said.

He recommended not to cancel public events – as did the city of Alhambra by stopping the celebration of the Chinese New Year on Saturday.

"It is advisable at this time as in any flu season to wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, mainly before eating or preparing food," said the doctor.

"And if you are sick with the flu or any other disease, stay away from others."
Davis said the use of masks and gloves does not prevent contagion.

Masks are usually recommended for those who have, for example, normal flu or cough and these prevent the person from coughing or sneezing from spreading the cold.

For information or to report a case call 211.


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