Surprise, happiness, but also disappointment, disillusionment are feelings well known to those who are called "impatriates". For his podcast "Moi impat", French Morning has extended his microphone to French people who tell how they lived their return home.

For this 29th episode of "Moi Impat", Coralie de Demandolx tells how she managed her impatriation after 10 years of life between three continents, America, Asia and Europe. This former executive of the Vuitton house, which has been reconverted during her expatriations in gemology, returned to France more than 6 years ago but it is still marked by "the panic" caused by this return. "We had to prepare it in a very short time"says the mother of three children.

If the set was finally easy to manage, the question of child adaptation was quickly raised, especially with his eldest who did not live well this impatriation.

Moreover, the desire to leave living in other latitudes did not really leave Coralie de Demandolx, since she admits that if a new opportunity of expatriation arose, she would say "Yes". "There is always the curiosity and the desire to leave"confirms the Frenchwoman.

Listen to "Episode 29: Coralie de Demandolx" on Spreaker.


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