Monday, May 6, 2024
AgendaFrom November 9, 2020 As of November 20, 2020Are you a parent, francophone, in the United States?Pub What bilingual education options for your child? From November 9 to 20, 2020, thousands of parents will have the...
Every day, the sun rises and “Mignonnes” receives a volley of criticism. Barely two weeks after its release on Netflix on September 9, the French film continues to ulcerate the American right. So...
Tired of going around the block, or the endless stroll to the beach? With California's reopening plan starting to take effect this week, the entire Bay Area can once again experience the pleasure of... Bare ownership real estate investment is one of the most secure and efficient investments on the market, especially compared to rental investment or life insurance. But what is it exactly?Why is this so advantageous?How to take...
Learn moreMeet Friday, September 4 at 12pm ET 11am CT 9am PT- Find the webinar replay here - Meet Friday, September 4 at 12pm ET 11am CT 9am PT for a webinar dedicated to 401 (k),...
Practical informationOfficial launch of Villa San Francisco: August 25, 2020 from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.The link to attend here. No registration required.Details and info on the Villa website.On August 25, 2020, the family...
Finally ! After five long months of waiting, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has given the green light for a partial reopening of museums in the Big Apple, with limited visitor numbers and the...
Think you've exhausted your stock of ideas for weekend entertainment? Here is our selection of activities to make the most of Miami and its region during this time of health crisis due to Covid-19. Art...
Reassuring, calming, but sometimes also invasive, the pacifier can become the object of frustration for children as for parents when the moment to separate from it is painful. A stage that Charlotte Attry, a...
Health crisis obliges, open-air cinemas offer themselves a facelift. Even Walmart is joining the fun by launching a program to show movies on the big screen in 160 of its parking lots across the...