‘El Salvador, great as its people’ will be the third cuscatleca representation in one of the most popular events in the United States.

Band of El Salvador will participate in the Parade of Roses 2020

Cenral square in San Salvador. (Supplied)

Yurina Melara / Impremedia

For the third time in the history of the Las Rosas Parade, El Salvador will have musical representation. The Band “El Salvador, Grande como su Gente”, composed of 230 members, will arrive in Los Angeles on Thursday, December 26 and will have several public presentations before the great event of January 1, 2020.

Enot Rubio, director of El Piche, the organization that is coordinating the presentations of the musical band in the United States, invited the almost one million Salvadorans living in Southern California to attend any of the public presentations that young people will have musicians

"The Rose Parade is an excellent opportunity to raise awareness of more than 35 million viewers in the United States who,‘ El Salvador is great as its people "and has an international quality music band," said Rubio.

There are 230 members of the band that will participate in the Rose Parade 2020. (Supplied)

Unlike the previous two occasions, this time the Presidency of El Salvador is paying for the air tickets of the band, and the Fedecrédito financial institution is sponsoring the hotel.

But there is still a pending accounts. The five buses that will transport the musicians and dancers to the different presentations are still to be paid, said Rubio, who explained that the cost of the buses is $ 30,000 for the five days, and that to date they have $ 10,000 that were donated by the Mortgage Bank of El Salvador.

In addition, it is necessary to collect $ 19,000 of the $ 28,750, cost of tickets to Disneyland, where the band members will be taken during their stay in Los Angeles.

“We invite the public not to miss the special concert for the community on Sunday December 29 at Miguel Contreras School at 2 p.m. The band will play music that we are sure will bring emotions to those who come, ”added Enot.

‘El Salvador, great as its people’ is the name of the band that arrives Thursday in LA. (Supplied)

Band Calendar

Thursday, December 26 – Banda begins arriving at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). The members will arrive on three different flights starting at 12 noon. Bradley terminal.

Friday, December 27 – Presentation at Disneyland.

Saturday, December 28 – Band members will visit the Montaña Mágica theme park, Valencia, CA.

Sunday, December 29 – presentation at Miguel Contreras School, 322 Lucas Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90017. 2 p.m. Donation: $ 20 per person

Monday, December 30 – presentation of the Festival of the Bands, the Parade of the Roses. Pasadena City College, Pasadena.

Wednesday, January 1 – Parade of the Roses, Pasadena, California. 8 a.m.


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