Hawaii has the lowest radon levels of all 50 states, with an average level of 0 pCi/L.

Here are the 10 states with the highest Radon levels:

  • Alaska (10.7)
  • South Dakota (9.6)
  • Pennsylvania (8.6)
  • Ohio (7.8)
  • Washington (7.5)
  • Kentucky (7.4)
  • Montana (7.4)
  • Idaho (7.3)

Moreover, What season is radon highest? To answer that question, yes, radon levels in a home tend to be higher during the winter. And those higher levels of radon gas can lead to an increased chance of lung cancer. While indoor radon gas levels are generally higher during winter, sometimes the summer can have higher indoor radon levels.

Where in your house is radon most likely?

It sometimes gets concentrated in homes built on soil with natural uranium deposits. It can enter buildings through cracks in floors or walls, construction joints, or gaps in foundations around pipes, wires or pumps. Radon levels are usually highest in the basement or crawl space.

Likewise, How long does it take for radon to affect you? Radon gas can damage cells in your lungs, which can lead to cancer. Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States, though it usually takes 5 to 25 years to develop.

Do air purifiers help with radon? Do Air Purifiers Help With Radon Gas? Yes, air purifiers help with radon gas reduction to some extent. The air purifiers with activated carbon filter technology are highly effective in trapping radon gas. As mentioned earlier, radon tends to attach itself to numerous airborne and water particles.

Does running HVAC reduce radon?

Based on the results it was concluded that an active ventilation system successfully reduces radon.

How quickly can radon affect you?

Radon gas can damage cells in your lungs, which can lead to cancer. Radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths each year in the United States, though it usually takes 5 to 25 years to develop.

Does HVAC help with radon?

A heat recovery ventilator (HRV), also called an air-to-air heat exchanger, reduces radon levels by increasing ventilation. If properly balanced and maintained, they can ensure a constant degree of ventilation throughout the year. HRVs can also improve air quality in houses that have other indoor pollutants.

What time of year are radon levels highest?

Indoor radon levels are normally at the highest in the winter or colder months because of the thermal stack effect, a snowy barrier, and tightly sealed homes. Cold temperatures increase the pressure within the home, meaning more air is being pulled in from the ground, which elevates the risk of radon entering the home.

Which creates the greatest radon threat?

For most people, the greatest exposure to radon occurs in the home where people spend much of their time, though indoor workplaces may also be a source of exposure.

Does opening windows decrease radon?

As a temporary solution, however, you can reduce radon levels simply by opening windows. Opening windows improves air circulation and ventilation, helping move radon out of the house and mixing radon-free outside air with indoor air. Make sure all your basement windows are open.

What are the first signs of radon poisoning?

A persistent cough could be a sign that you have radon poisoning.

  • Persistent cough.
  • Hoarseness.
  • Wheezing.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Coughing up blood.
  • Chest pain.
  • Frequent infections like bronchitis and pneumonia.
  • Loss of appetite.

What types of homes have the most radon?

Exposure to radon can be especially high for people who use their basements as a living space. Like basements, homes with slab-on-grade foundations have many openings that allow radon to enter. Homes with crawl spaces (vented and sealed) can also have elevated radon levels.

What types of homes are more likely to have radon?

Answer: All types of houses can have radon problems-old homes, new homes, drafty homes, insulated homes, homes with basements and homes without basements. Construction materials and the way the home has been built may also affect radon levels, but this is rare.

Should you cover your sump pump?

While most sump pumps are effective in removing water, they should always be covered with a gas-tight lid to avoid moisture problems, as well as to prevent the seepage of radon into the home.

How do you mitigate radon without a sump pump?

Remove soil to create a pit area under the slab opening; the more surface area of soil exposed in the pit, the better. Connect the “pit” to the radon fan with a PVC pipe pathway. This vents the soil gasses and reduces the sub-slab pressure.

Can I pour vinegar in my sump pump?

Vinegar is a powerful acidic substance. Its enzymes help break down the toughest grime, dirt, and grease. It’s not only an effective cleaning solution for floors, tiles, and bathtubs but also a fantastic sump pump cleaner.

How long do sump pumps last for?

Like other appliances and equipment in your home, your sump pump won’t last forever. Averaging about 10 years, you might not notice your sump pump has malfunctioned until it has stopped working. And once it does, water damage to your home and the belongings within it can follow closely behind.

How often should you clean your sump pump?

Quarterly: If your sump pump does not dispose of washing machine water, the pump screen or inlet opening can be cleaned once every three to four months. Annually: Remove the sump pump and clean both the pump and pit.

Can you DIY radon mitigation system yourself?

In most cases, pros charge about $1,500 to install a radon mitigation system, but you can do it yourself for only about $500 in materials. So if you’re fairly handy and have some carpentry, plumbing and electrical skills, you can install your own system in a weekend and save yourself a thousand bucks!

Where is radon most prevalent?

Radon gas is a ubiquitous element found in rock and soil. The burning of coal and other fossil fuels also releases radon. When radon escapes from soil or is discharged from emission stacks to the outdoor air, it is diluted to levels that are normally, but not always, lower than indoor air.

What is the lifespan of a radon mitigation system?

Frequently turning your fan on and off or running it at full capacity can cut this lifespan down considerably. That said, with a quality fan, proper installation, and proper usage you can generally expect your fan to have a lifespan of about 20 years.

How many years does a radon fan last?

Fans may last for five years or more (manufacturer warranties tend not to exceed five years) and may then need to be repaired or replaced. Replacing a fan will cost around $200 – $350 including parts and labor. It is a good idea to retest your home at least every two years to be sure radon levels remain low.

How much electricity does a radon fan use?

Homeowners are aware that the fan must run continuously 24/7, year after year. The typical estimate of the electricity cost is $150 per year.

Costs of Fan-Based Radon Mitigation.

ASD Radon Mitigation
Energy Losses, Electricity Cost $ 225 – 500/year $ 360/year
Operating Expenses over 10 years $ 2,250 – 5,000 $ 3,600

Why is my radon mitigation system so loud?

Excessive noise and back pressure is created when too much air is moved through the pipe. According to the best standard, a 3” pipe should move no more than 34 CFM before the system is too noisy and loses efficiency.

What does a radon alarm sound like?

RadonAway RSA1 Radon System Alarm Sensing Modes: Sensing light blinks at 60-second intervals (3 flashes). Audible “beep” sounds and all lights illuminate when “Test” button is pressed.

Are radon fans noisy?

If your radon fan is making a loud humming or whirring noise, there’s a chance that it needs replaced. Most fans last 5-10 years, with some making it up to 20. However, it’s not uncommon for them to get very loud before they finally quit.

How much does a radon mitigation system cost in Illinois?

Approximate System Cost If the home is particularly large with complex configurations or multiple foundations, the cost can range between $2,000 and $3,000. Activation of an existing passive system (builder-installed skeletal system) can range from $700 to $800.

How much does a radon mitigation system cost in Colorado?

A mitigation system in Colorado usually costs about $1,000 – $2,000 unless difficult design problems are encountered. You might be able to do sub-slab depressurization yourself if you have good handyman skills, including electrical wiring skills.


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