1. Households in Virginia Beach, VA have a median annual income of $79,054, which is more than the median annual income of $65,712 across the entire United States.

Besides, What is the average wage in Virginia? Hourly Rate Salary in Virginia

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $81,105 $39
75th Percentile $49,835 $24
Average $54,703 $26
25th Percentile $28,826 $14

What percent of Virginia Beach is black?

According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Virginia Beachwas: White: 65.06% Black or African American: 18.82%

What is the job market like in Virginia Beach? Job Market

Virginia Beach, VA Richmond, VA
Current Unemployment 4.8% 7.1%
Future Job Growth 33.2% 37.1%
Recent Job Growth -5.8% -5.6%
3 Yr. Job Growth -3.8% -2.7%

Hence, Is Virginia Beach Safe? Based on their study, they found Virginia Beach to rank number one as the nation’s safest large city. They used the FBI’s most recent data, released in September 2020, which includes crimes committed during 2019.

What is considered low income in Virginia?

Low Income Individuals Credit

If the number of eligible exemptions is: Your family Virginia adjusted income must be less than:
1 $12,880
2 $17,420
3 $21,960
4 $26,500

What are the highest paying jobs in Virginia?

Detailed List Of Highest Paying Jobs In Virginia

Rank Job Title Average Salary
1 Consultant And Sales Representative $225,116
2 Vice President, Products & Marketing $202,108
3 Executive Vice President Of Sales $192,861
4 Senior Vice President, Sales $191,012

• Apr 11, 2022

What is minimum wage in Virginia?

The state’s minimum wage was $7.25 prior to May 1, 2021. This is in line with the federal minimum wage of $7.25, which has not changed since 2009. The Bureau of Labor Statistics released two consumer price index reports in late 2021 that included parts of Virginia. One included the Washington metropolitan area.

What is middle class income in Virginia?

(The Center Square) – In Virginia, households must earn a minimum of $32,507 per year to be considered middle class, with the upper earnings boundary set at $156,063, according to a new 24/7 Wall St. analysis.

What is a good hourly wage in Virginia?

$13.86 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers. $38.99 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Hourly Rate Jobs in Virginia.

City Virginia Beach
Annual Salary $52,659
Monthly Pay $4,388
Weekly Pay $1,013
Hourly Wage $25.32

What is upper class in VA?

While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $100,160 and as low as $19,543, the majority of salaries within the Upper Class jobs category currently range between $37,621 (25th percentile) to $65,470 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making $81,105 annually in Virginia.

What is considered high class in Virginia?

In Virginia, you’ll need to earn $584,000 or more to be considered ‘rich’. Technically, Washington, D.C., which isn’t a state, has the highest AGI to be considered one of the highest earners at $918,000.

What is the poverty level in Virginia Beach?


Income & Poverty
Median household income (in 2020 dollars), 2016-2020 $78,136 $76,398
Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2020 dollars), 2016-2020 $39,788 $41,255
Persons in poverty, percent  7.2%  9.2%

What do waiters make in Virginia?

Minimum Wages for Tipped Employees

Jurisdiction Basic Combined Cash & Tip Minimum Wage Rate Minimum Cash Wage 1
Tennessee 9 $2.13
Texas $7.25 $2.13
Utah $7.25 $2.13
Virginia $11.00 $2.13

• Jan 1, 2022

What is Virginia 2022 minimum wage?

If no changes are passed in 2022, Virginia will increase its minimum wage to $12 per hour next year and will study the impact of increasing it to $15 before lawmakers vote on that change during the 2024 legislative session.

What salary is upper class?

In 2021, the median household income is roughly $68,000. An upper class income is usually considered at least 50% higher than the median household income. Therefore, an upper class income in America is $100,000 and higher.

What is the poorest town in VA?

(The Center Square) – Farmville was ranked the poorest town in Virginia in a 24/7 Wall St. analysis examining small, lower-income communities where households earn much less than the nation’s median annual household income.

What is considered middle class in VA?

Virginia households must make at least $32,507 to reach middle class, study finds. (The Center Square) – In Virginia, households must earn a minimum of $32,507 per year to be considered middle class, with the upper earnings boundary set at $156,063, according to a new 24/7 Wall St. analysis.

What is considered rich by age?

Here’s the net worth each generation says you need to be considered wealthy in 2021: Millennials (ages 24 to 39): $1.4 million. Gen X (ages 40 to 55): $1.9 million. Baby boomers (ages 56 to 74): $2.5 million.

Are doctors High class?

The upper-middle-class usually evolves out of people from the middle-class tier who are particularly resourceful or who achieve higher levels of education than the rest of the middle class. Examples of these people in today’s society are doctors and lawyers.

What salary makes rich?

With a $500,000+ income, you are considered rich, wherever you live! According to the IRS, any household who makes over $500,000 a year in 2022 is considered a top 1% income earner. Of course, some parts of the country require a higher income level to be in the top 1% income, e.g. Connecticut at $580,000.


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