Surprise, happiness, but also disappointment, disillusionment are feelings well known to those who are called "impatriates". For the "Impatent Me" podcast, Eric Gendry of French Morning has spread his microphone to French people who tell how they lived back home.

For this 31st episode, meet Linda Duchesne who has lived two expatriations in China and therefore two registrations. The first couple and no children, the second with two small. "When we are only two, rehabilitation is easier, but with children, the return is more administrative, we must anticipate more"explains the Frenchwoman. But going back to France was rather good for the family, which quickly found its mark in the country with which it had never really lost the link.

The hardest thing was finally adapting to "French management" on the professional plan. After experimenting with other ways of doing things, "The return can be a little frustrating".

Listen to "Episode 34: Linda Duchesne" on Spreaker.


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