1. This air travel distance is equal to 996 miles.
  2. The air travel (bird fly) shortest distance between Florida and New York is 1,603 km= 996 miles.
  3. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles) from Florida to New York, It takes 1.78 hours to arrive.

Besides, How much is the flight from Florida to New York? The average price for one way flights from Miami, Florida to New York City is $289. The average price for round trip flights from Miami, Florida to New York City is $112.

How long is a car ride to Florida?

19 hours

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Is there a train from Florida to New York? Overview: Train from Orlando, FL to New York City There are direct train services available. While the average ticket price for this route costs around $187 (€174), you can find the cheapest train ticket for as low as $166 (€154).

Hence, How many hours is a flight to Florida? How long do flights to Florida take?

Departure airport Destination airport Average flight time
London Heathrow (LHR) Miami (MIA) 9h 20m
London Gatwick (LGW) Tampa (TPA) 9h 30m
Glasgow (GLA) Orlando (MCO) 8h 40m
Manchester (MAN) Orlando (MCO) 9 hours

Can you take a train from Florida to New York?

Trains from Orlando, FL to New York City cover the 937 miles (1511 km) long route taking on average 23 h 45 min with our travel partners like Amtrak. There are direct train services available.

How much is a bus ticket from Florida to New York?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 6
Minimum Price $120
Average Ticket Price $156
Minimum Trip Duration 19h30m
Average Bus Trip Duration 1d8h

Where do you stop driving from Florida to New York?

Driving from Florida to New York is surprisingly easy, regardless of whether you want a fast route or a more scenic drive.

Top 10 Stops Along the Way

  1. St. Augustine, FL.
  2. The Biltmore Estate.
  3. Savannah, GA.
  4. George Washington’s Mount Vernon.
  5. Jersey Shore.
  6. Jacksonville, FL.
  7. Washington, D.C.
  8. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Can I take a train from NY to Florida?

Yes, the trains from New York City to Orlando offered by Amtrak are overnight train routes. Both the Silver Meteor and Silver Star routes are over 21h long. These trains operate daily from New York to Miami. There is one Silver Meteor departure per day from New York City to Orlando.

How do you get to Florida without flying?

Three Amtrak routes travel to Florida: Auto Train (which only stops in Sanford, Florida and in Virginia), Silver Star and Silver Meteor. All routes travel along the East Coast, with direct service from cities including New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Raleigh and Charleston, SC.

How much is a bus ticket from New York to Florida?

Information on this bus route

Daily Buses 8
Minimum Price $120
Average Ticket Price $149
Minimum Trip Duration 19h15m
Average Bus Trip Duration 1d6h

Can you take a train from NY to Florida?

Find train tickets from New York to Orlando 25% of our users found round-trip train tickets from New York to Orlando for $246 or less. You will generally catch the best train deals if you travel in the morning. The cheapest train from New York to Orlando was found 82 days before departure, on average.

How much does it cost to drive to Florida from NY?

The total cost of driving from New York to Florida (one-way) is $210.14 at current gas prices. The round trip cost would be $420.28 to go from New York to Florida and back to New York again. Regular fuel costs are around $4.25 per gallon for your trip.


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