1. The lowest recorded temperature in Killeen is 7.0°F (-13.9°C), which was recorded in January.
  2. The average amount of precipitation for the year in Killeen is 31.7″ (805.2 mm).

Besides, Does it snow in Killeen Texas? Killeen averages 0 inches of snow per year.

How hot does it get in Killeen TX?

Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 40°F to 96°F and is rarely below 27°F or above 102°F.

What is the coldest place in Texas? The lowest temperature ever recorded in the state occurred at Tulia in Swisher County in the extreme southern Texas Panhandle. The thermometer dropped to 23 degrees below zero.

Hence, What month does it get cold in Texas? Winter will be colder than normal, especially in the south, with the coldest periods in mid- to late November, mid- and late December, and early and late January.

What is winter like in Killeen Texas?

Winter Weather in Killeen Texas, United States. Daily high temperatures are around 64°F, rarely falling below 43°F or exceeding 81°F. The lowest daily average high temperature is 60°F on January 5. Daily low temperatures are around 44°F, rarely falling below 27°F or exceeding 61°F.

What was the temperature today in Killeen Texas?

Upcoming 5 hours

Now 9:00 pm 1:00 am
81 °F 85 °F 80 °F

What is the temperature in Killeen this morning?

Partly cloudy skies. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low around 75F.

What city in Texas has no tornadoes?

Presidio. Located in southwest Texas, Presidio is one of the few areas less prone to Tornadoes. When compared to other areas in the state of Texas, Presidio, with a tornado index rate of 0.33, is far lower than the state of Texas and national average.

Where in Texas do they not have tornadoes?

Huntsville tops our list of safest Texas cities because it has the lowest combined score in reference to occurrences of tornadoes, hail, lightning and floods.

What city in Texas has the worst weather?

Brownsville, Texas On average, temperatures hit at least 90 degrees on 133 days a year in this city on the southern tip of Texas, according to The Weather Channel. Temperatures don’t soar only in the summertime—Brownsville’s hottest day on record was March 27, 1984, when the high hit 106 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which part of Texas is the best to live?

Here are the 10 best places to live in Texas:

  • Austin.
  • Dallas-Fort Worth.
  • Houston.
  • San Antonio.
  • Killeen.
  • Beaumont.
  • Corpus Christi.
  • El Paso.

What is the safest city to live in in Texas?

1. Hutto. Just north of Austin, Hutto ranks as the top safest city in Texas. It’s also the Hippo Capital of Texas!

Which city in Texas has the best weather?

Based strictly on the numbers, Houston has the best overall weather of all the major cities in Texas. They have less of a swing between their overall highs and lows, and they do not get too hot or too cold as often than the others investigated.

What city has the most tornadoes?

Correcting For County Area

Tornado Segment Density (per 100 square miles) Tornado Segments
1) Pinellas (Florida) 46.43 130
2) Galveston (Texas) 29.32 117
3) Oklahoma (Oklahoma) 19.75 140
4) Cleveland (Oklahoma) 19.22 103

• Apr 15, 2021

How many tornadoes hit Killeen Texas?

A total of 71 historical tornado events that had recorded magnitude of 2 or above found in or near Killeen, TX.

Does Killeen Texas Flood?

In addition to the wildfire risk described above, Killeen has minor risk from flooding. To learn more details about its flood risk, damage estimates, and solutions visit Killeen’s Flood Factor® page. 1,032 properties in Killeen are likely to be severely affected by flooding over the next 30 years.

Where is Tornado Alley in Texas?

Tornado Alley can also be defined as an area reaching from central Texas to the Canadian prairies and from eastern Colorado to western Pennsylvania. It has also been asserted that there are numerous Tornado Alleys.

Which part of Texas is best to live in?

Best Places to Live in Texas in 2022-2023

  • Austin, TX.
  • Dallas-Fort Worth, TX.
  • Houston, TX.
  • San Antonio, TX.
  • Killeen, TX.
  • Beaumont, TX.
  • El Paso, TX.

What is Killeen Tx known for?

Killeen, Texas, is a place of many possibilities. This Central Texas town is perhaps best known for its northern neighbor that just so happens to be one of the largest military installations in the world: Fort Hood.

Why should I move to Killeen Texas?

Fort Hood’s presence in Killeen is largely positive, providing employment for 58,000 people, and giving the location a welcoming and patriotic feel. When you live in Killeen, you can also expect to enjoy a family-friendly environment.

What’s it like to live in Killeen?

Located in the heart of central Texas, Killeen is a family-friendly city with a thriving economy fueled by Fort Hood, one of the largest military bases in the country. Killeen residents have access to down-home barbecue, an abundance of outdoor and recreational activities, and fun music joints.

What is the best place to live in Killeen?

The five safest neighborhoods in Killeen are all in the Northwestern part of the city.

The 5 Safest Neighborhoods in Killeen

  • Kiowa Ct / Tonkawa Ct. …
  • Santee Ct / Shawnee Ct. …
  • Hood Road / Central Avenue. …
  • Hughes Street / Cutler Street. …
  • Chaffee Village.

Why is the crime rate so high in Killeen Texas?

In Killeen, “police investment” seemed to be its biggest “community risk factor.” According to data, that city has fewer police officers and a smaller budget for the department.

What’s it like living in Killeen TX?

Located in the heart of central Texas, Killeen is a family-friendly city with a thriving economy fueled by Fort Hood, one of the largest military bases in the country. Killeen residents have access to down-home barbecue, an abundance of outdoor and recreational activities, and fun music joints.

Where is the best place to live in Killeen Texas?

The five safest neighborhoods in Killeen are all in the Northwestern part of the city.

The 5 Safest Neighborhoods in Killeen

  • Kiowa Ct / Tonkawa Ct. …
  • Santee Ct / Shawnee Ct. …
  • Hood Road / Central Avenue. …
  • Hughes Street / Cutler Street. …
  • Chaffee Village.


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