1. Huntsville has an average Walk Score of 24 with 180,105 residents.
  2. Huntsville has minimal public transportation and does not have many bike lanes.
  3. The most walkable Huntsville neighborhoods are Downtown, Lake Forest and The Reserve.

Besides, Is Huntsville AL a safe place to live? It cannot afford to be crime-ridden as it grows and breaks the mold of what one would assume an Alabama city is like. Huntsville is ranked as the third best place to live by U.S. World and News Report.

What is the nicest area of Huntsville Alabama?

Best Areas to Live in Huntsville AL: 5 Up-and-coming Neighborhoods to Buy Into While Prices Are Still Low

  • West Huntsville.
  • Harvest.
  • New Market.
  • Madison.
  • Hazel Green.

Is South Huntsville a good place to live? South Huntsville Living in this area gives you the opportunity to live in a neighborhood where nature surrounds you. South Huntsville sits at the basin of many mountains and has views for days. Live here and explore the outdoors as well as the convenience of being near everything the city of Huntsville has to offer.

Hence, Does Huntsville AL have a downtown? Huntsville’s city center has always been one of the liveliest places in town.

What is the racial makeup of Huntsville Alabama?

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Huntsville, AL are White (Non-Hispanic) (57.7%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (30.4%), White (Hispanic) (3.66%), Asian (Non-Hispanic) (2.59%), and Two+ (Non-Hispanic) (2.46%).

What is a good salary in Huntsville, AL?

A good salary in Huntsville, AL is anything over $51,000. That’s because the median income in Huntsville is $51,000, which means if you earn more than that you’re earning more than 50% of the people living in Huntsville. The average salary in Huntsville is $61,001. A good hourly wage in Huntsville is $24.52 per hour.

Where is the nicest place to live in Alabama?

Best Places to Live in Alabama in 2022-2023

  • Huntsville, AL.
  • Birmingham, AL.
  • Montgomery, AL.
  • Mobile, AL.

Is Huntsville a safe place to live?

It cannot afford to be crime-ridden as it grows and breaks the mold of what one would assume an Alabama city is like. Huntsville is ranked as the third best place to live by U.S. World and News Report.

Where is the #1 place to live in the US?

Huntsville, Alabama, has been ranked No. 1 on U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best Places to Live list for 2022-2023, toppling Boulder, Colorado, which wore the crown for the past two years but now sits at No.

What is a good salary in Huntsville Alabama?

A good salary in Huntsville, AL is anything over $51,000. That’s because the median income in Huntsville is $51,000, which means if you earn more than that you’re earning more than 50% of the people living in Huntsville. The average salary in Huntsville is $61,001. A good hourly wage in Huntsville is $24.52 per hour.

How far is Huntsville from the ocean?

The driving distance from Huntsville, AL, to Gulf Shores is about 375 miles, with the travel time being less than six hours.

What is the main industry in Huntsville Alabama?

Major employing industries in Huntsville include military/ aerospace and defense, medical, education, aeronautics, research, telecommunications and local government. Over 40 Fortune 500 companies have offices in Huntsville, while global tech startups are becoming increasingly plentiful.

What is minimum wage in Huntsville Alabama?

Living Wage Calculation for Huntsville, AL

0 Children 3 Children
Living Wage $15.30 $37.43
Poverty Wage $6.19 $14.92
Minimum Wage $7.25 $7.25

Is Huntsville a good place to retire?

Huntsville, Alabama is a fantastic place to retire. The cost of living is below the national average, and the quality of life is outstanding. The community boasts an abundance of restaurants, entertainment, and retail options along with the natural beauty of parks, trails, and greenways.

How is the housing market in Huntsville AL?

Home values in Huntsville increased by 28.2% over the past year. The median listing price of a house in Huntsville is $315,000, according to Realtor.com (as of April 2022). Square foot listing price of a home in Huntsville is $152.


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