People trying to prevent them from entering their small business were armed

Videos: They try to protect their store in Van Nuys from alleged looting and end up arrested

Looting in Van Nuys began as protesters protested peacefully.

ROBYN BECK // AFP / Getty Images

A alleged attempted looting was caught on Monday in Van Nuys, California, by television cameras. About five armed people emerged from inside the store, allegedly trying to protect their business and they had a collision and, paradoxically, it was they who ended up arrested.

A reporter from Fox News He narrated what he was seeing live. Herself and her camera operator They called the police, but the officers went directly to the group that seemed to be protecting the small store. and began to handcuff them, despite the woman screaming that they were mistaking people.

It was the team of the television network, once he could calm down, the person in charge of explain how the events had occurred and try to identify the men who had allegedly tried to enter the store.

At the end of the video, the city police are seen speak more calmly both with Fox News staff and with the armed people who left the store. The reporter said the alleged looters had fled in a gray vehicle.

The Looting in the Angelina area of ​​Van Nuys began as protesters protested peacefully for the death of African-American George Floyd in the custody of the Minneapolis Police. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti issued a curfew for the third consecutive night beginning at 6 p.m. and urged Los Angeles to stay home.


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