The father and head of the family could not beat the disease and lost his life after complications despite having no other health condition.

This family of 10 people residing in Azuza became infected with coronavirus and one of them died.

The coronavirus has claimed the lives of thousands of people in the United States.

David Ryder / Getty Images

For the family Ramirez the pandemic of coronavirus It has not been an easy experience, lThe ten members have been infected with the disease and the father and head of the family, died at the age of 47.

Since the beginning of the pandemic and the validity of the order of "Safer at home" Guillermo Ramírez along with his wife Luciana and her children were following the recommendations of the health department and stayed most of the time at her home. Azuza at los angeles county.

In California, there are those who believe that the "Safer at Home" order is excessive. EFE / JOHN G. MABANGLO

Only Guillermo and his older son They went out to make essential purchases and kept protected with gloves and masks all the time., however, in mid-April Luciana he developed an illness and fever and fell into bed. The coronavirus had passed through the doors of the Ramírez family.

Within a few days his Guillermo, his 72-year-old mother and three children Guillermo Jr., Themo and Beatrize 25, 24 and 21 years old, respectively, also presented symptoms.

All of them were isolated in their rooms and the couple's youngest son, 12 year old David, was quarantined in the room along with the three grandchildren Guillermo who are a three year old, another 2 and an 8 month old baby.

When you go to be tested on a mobile test site all were positive, including children who were asymptomatic.

Sangabriel died of COVID-19 on April 19. (File) "src =" "srcset =" https: // laopinion. com / wp-content / uploads / sites / 3/2020/05 / GettyImages-1209790461.jpg 6400w, ? resize = 150,100 150w,,200 300w, /uploads/sites/3/2020/05/GettyImages-1209790461.jpg?resize=768,512 768w, resize = 1024,683 1024w,,1024 1536w, wp-content / uploads / sites / 3/2020/05 / GettyImages-1209790461.jpg? resize = 2048,1365 2048w, -1209790461.jpg? Resize = 552,368 552w, oads / sites / 3/2020/05 / GettyImages-1209790461.jpg? resize = 1200,800 1200w, ? resize = 50,33 50w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max-width: 940px) 100vw, 940px
Los Angeles Fire Department Ambulance (File)

Guillermo Jr. had to be hospitalized in late April and within a few days they also hospitalized their father and grandmother. Within a few days Guillermo Ramirez (father) got worse and medical specialists had to connect him to a respirator.

Luciana was not present, but received a call from the hospital.

The couple's only daughter who did not live in the house and that he had been bringing them essential supplies while they were isolated, Alexia Ramirez, he looked for his mother and rushed her to the hospital in the back seat and fully covered, at last he tried to see it before that happened, however, upon arriving at the hospital Guillermo had died.

"My mother came out of the hospital screaming. Died dad diedAlexia told L.A. Times. On the way back home, the coronavirus also took Alexia away the possibility of hugging his mother at such a difficult time.

Guillermo Ramírez was a dedicated father to his family and a hard worker according to the full story of the local newspaper that you can see here. His family assured that Ramírez did not suffer from any other serious health condition.

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In Los Angeles County there are more than 30,000 coronavirus cases.


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