Riots at The Grove shopping center prompted Eric Garcetti's decision

"The Heaviest Moment": Los Angeles Mayor Extends Curfew Throughout the City

Protesters in the Fairfax Avenue area of ​​western L.A.


Eric Garcetti, mayor of Los Angeles, said Saturday night that lThe curfew order originally established for the downtown area from 8 pm to 5:30 am has been extended to all of Los Angeles., due to riots.

Specifically, a series of looting in stores at The Grove Mall, on the west side of Los Angeles, led Garcetti to the difficult and drastic decision. The Fairfax area was the epicenter of Saturday's riots.

The Mayor regretted the situation, admitting that the riots over the death of George Floyd combined with the COVID-19 pandemic represent “The heaviest moment I have ever experienced as a Los Angeles resident” at least since 1992.

The decision has side effects, including closure of coronavirus testing centers.

"This was supposed to be an opening weekend, and then we saw the close of a life in Minneapolis," Garcetti said.

Saturday morning were recorded hundreds of riots arrests in downtown Los Angeles. But clearly the situation has worsened.


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