A model made by the county Health Department with public and private data would reveal that the measures have been effective

Social distancing would be helping to flatten the curve of contagion of coronaviruses in L.A.

Specialists manipulate the sample to carry out the COVID-19 test.


He Los Angeles Department of Public Health He shared a study showing that social distancing has stopped the spread of the coronavirus in the county.

In the video published on the department's Twitter account, the director of Health services, Dr. Christina Ghaly; the director of Public health, Dr. Barbara Ferrer; and Dr. Roger Lewis of the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center.

In her speech, the doctor Christina Ghaly claims that the department used data from the department and the public and private health system county The Angels to model the study.

For his part, the Dr lewis He stated that the measures taken so far have been effective. "Model results show that distancing has decreased the spread of the virus in the county."He expressed.

The news could be a relief to economic revival plans which is currently under discussion between the Governor of the State of California Gavin Newsom and other regional leaders of the west coast.

However, the Dr. Barbara Ferrer He made it clear that this does not mean that social distancing practices will end. "The other thing that the study shows us is that we have to continue doing everything we have done so far. We are not in a moment or in a place to relax the restrictions that are in force”, Sentenced.


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