A birthday party at a Trump golf club in Palos Verdes resulted in a COVID-19 infection for a group of guests

Several guests at a Trump club in California fall ill with COVID-19

Nurse covers her face to treat coronavirus patients.

Rahman Roslan / Getty Images

At least 16 guests to a birthday celebration held at the restaurant of the Trump National Golf Club at Rancho Palos Verdes, a wealthy city in Los Angeles county, tested positive for COVID-19 and some are hospitalized, local media reported Tuesday.

The exclusive event, which celebrated the 70 years of the former mayor of Rancho Palos Verdes Susan Brooks, brought together about 65 people, the majority of the elderly, and at least 16 of the attendees have been confirmed with the coronavirus, reported the Easy Reader News portal.

Brooks said in an interview with the news portal that in his call to the party, held on March 8, he had asked his guests to stay home if they were not feeling well, and that social distancing would be practiced at the event. .

A week after the celebration, which was attended by part of the city government, one of the guests contacted the hostess to inform her that he and his wife had tested positive for COVID-19.

The Los Angeles County Supervisor, Janice Hahn, and the current mayor of Rancho Palos Verdes, John Cruikshank, were among the guests.

Last week 15 of those attending the celebration reported that they were infected, and Brooks was also diagnosed with the disease. Two of the infected are hospitalized and are on respiratory support.

It is not known how many of the other guests contracted the disease because not all of them have been able to be tested. Superintendent Hahn became isolated as soon as she learned of the contagion.

For Mayor Cruikshank, the news came late, in the week after the party he met with several of the city council members, who had to go into solitary confinement.

This Tuesday, coronavirus cases in Los Angeles County are close to 550, the largest number of cases in the state of California, and eight residents have died. While, California records 2,266 confirmed cases and 42 deaths.

Trump National Golf Club in Rancho Palos Verdes opened in 2006, making it the first foray of President Donald Trump's family businesses into the West Coast real estate sector.


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