Last weekend, hundreds of Trump supporters took to the streets to protest the order to stay home.
For the past few days, the frustration of people asking to end the order to stay home has increased, which, according to the authorities, would prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID19.
Several protests across the nation have already been seen with people, mainly supporters of President Trump, demanding that his officials return to normal. In such demonstrations it is easy to see entire families with children, without maintaining the recommended distance of six feet and without face masks to protect others.
In southern California since Friday a protest has been going on every day by hundreds of people who claim that COVID-19 is not as serious as it sounds.
Jesse Suave, 60, is one of the protesters tired of the governor's order to stay home. Although his business has not been affected, he believes it is time for the state to reopen its economy to its full potential.
Suave said that people who die from COVID-19 are usually people with a compromised immune system like the elderly and people with existing diseases like lung problems or cancer.
"Yes, from time to time someone healthy will die … but other than that, the flu is probably a bigger pandemic than this, because the flu has killed about 60,000 Americans a year," Suave said. "And we haven't heard anything about that, no one is panicking about it."
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report an estimated 56,000 deaths a year from the flu.
Suave said that, if the confinement continues, the only thing that is causing it is weakening people's immune systems.
"It's like little kids playing outside," Suave said. "Or if they don't play outside they are generally sick because we don't give their immune systems a chance to play with the dirt. We need to be outside. "
For her part, Jazmina Saavedra, another supporter of the reopening of the economy, believes that this is a planned pandemic.
"This is just a flu with a different variation but the press is the one that is creating the panic," said Saavedra. "We must not allow the big pharmaceutical monsters to keep us locked up."
Jazmina said that she followed the order to stay home, but this has severely affected her business.
"This one has dried 100 percent because I can't work," said Saavedra, who owns a beauty salon. "I think it is an attack on the American people and small business owners."
For this reason, both protesters climbed into their cars and on Saturday joined more than 200 vehicles to travel through southern California with protest banners and flags supporting President Trump calling for the quarantine to be terminated.
The news also featured the Huntington Beach and San Clemente protests where protesters rallied in defiance of state and local orders. In some cases you could see people without facial protection and some with children.
Suave said that in the protest events that he has participated he has seen around a thousand people gathered, who agree to be enraged with the orders of Governor Gavin Newsom and assures, they are fed up with the closure.
"We love our freedom. I think two weeks should have been enough, well, we already did 30 days. That's all, "said Suave. "But our Governor Gavin Newsom wants to extend it, I think until after the summer. That's really ridiculous, people need to go back to work. "
Suave asserted that he is not afraid of the disease or being infected.
"First of all because I am a Christian, I believe in God and if it is my time to go, I am going, but I am not afraid because I am quite healthy," said the businessman. “Yes, I am 60 years old, but I was a marathoner. I take care of myself and refuse even to wear a mask. I'm not scared I feel like if I get sick I'll get over it. ”
Tactics to oppress them
Patricia James, who identified herself as a registered nurse at a private company, said that COVID-19 disease is not as serious as they make it out to be.
"It's actually like the flu, but it's ranked number seven or eight or nine for infectious diseases," James said. "So my question to everyone would be why are they closing the whole world for a disease that is not even as deadly as all other diseases?"
James assures that the numbers that the authorities announce are not true. He added that the people who perish are those who suffer from other diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer's.
“My COVID-19 patients were at high risk and recovered. So this shutdown has nothing to do with COVID-19. All they have to do is look at the numbers, "said James. "It is about the New World Order trying to take over, but we have to stand up and fight."
Saavedra said that a few weeks ago she was exposed to a person infected with COVID-19, but when she tried to go for an exam the first thing they asked her was if she had health insurance.
"By telling them they didn't tell me to go to the Los Angeles General Hospital," said Saavedra, who refused to go there. "Since I had no symptoms, I decided to just quarantine myself."
Due to the treatment he received and the little interest in knowing his state of health by the authorities, Saavedra questioned the official numbers that appear of infected and deceased.
"If the hospitals are collapsing as they say because they only speak of the dead, but not of those who are recovering," Saavedra explained. "I question the death toll and whether it would be true."
The protesters said they will continue with more protests in the coming days, including one at the downtown Los Angeles city hall this week.