Limiting the spread of COVID-19 has global consequences. While all sectors are now affected by restrictive measures to stop the coronavirus epidemic, the tourism sector was the first to be affected. Since Friday March 13, no French person and citizen member of the Schengen Area can travel to the United States (except permanent residents), for a minimum period of 30 days. If the many French people based in the USA and specialized in tourism understand the sanitary measures in force, they are worried about the future of their business.
“We may have to put the key under the door”
“The situation is extremely complicated, since we were to welcome nearly 300 groups of French people by June, including around 40 in the next two weeks, but unfortunately this will not happen and we have no choice ”, says Franck Bondrille, who, with his wife Bertille Hocquet, heads the incoming agency Contact USA in Miami. “We recommend that our customers postpone their stay rather than cancel it, because it depends on the survival of all professionals in the tourism sector, he specifies. By postponing, this allows us to keep cash while if we start to reimburse most travelers, we risk having to close the door ”, adds the Frenchman whose activity should now slow down. "If there is no improvement, we will also have to ask our teams to take vacation or work part-time."
“Flexible” tour guides in their cancellation and postponement policy
Guide to Washington DC and founder of Washington In French, Catherine Rochereul admits that she expected it. The shock is still violent: in a few days, his touristic walking company in the American capital recorded 45% cancellation and 25% postponement: "I expected a very high level of cancellation because of the virus. Following Donald Trump's announcements, I sense that there is disappointment in people. They want to come and I understand them because their holidays are canceled ”, says the French guide who expects the 30 days to be extended.
Fortunately, several French tourists have already planned to come and have simply postponed their visits. "It's business that will come back later. Many are satisfied with the professionalism with which they are treated ”, welcomes the guide, who has adopted a very "flexible" in view of the exceptional circumstances.
Same observation for Gilles Lorand, French guide in San Francisco since 2014 and founder of San Francisco by Gilles. “This decision is drastic, but I prefer that arrangements be made, everyone is doing their part, because we must prevent the disease from spreading”, expresses Gilles Lorand, who considers that “Health comes first”. Like most of his colleagues, Gilles Lorand reimburses all of his clients, which represents a huge loss. “It’s a gross deadweight loss, and in addition I make the money by reimbursing customers. As a small business, it’s an economic shock because I don’t have any visitors or tips. ” The only good news is that summer doesn't seem to be compromised. "I'm not feeling panic for this summer, and I already have reservations for September."
“We hope it will pass quickly”
“100% of our business is affected”, says Elise Goujon, founder of the tourist company New York Off Road. Its three employees continue to work, but the 15 guides distributed between New York, Miami and Los Angeles, are forced to cancel their visits since Wednesday March 11. “My team is on deck and we have been proactive, contacting each client to cancel the visits”, explains the Frenchwoman who already has her eyes riveted on the month of May. “We hold on to that. We hope it will pass quickly, but I am sure that people will continue to travel. We had no cancellations for this summer“, She says.
Some French companies are banking on deferrals. Wedding planner in Las Vegas with her company 1dayinlasvegas, Alicia Souily has not yet encountered difficulties following the French travel ban for the USA. “April is a big time for my activity with many weddings. For the moment, couples who wish to marry have simply decided to postpone their marriage. They postpone to May or June because they really want to get married in the USA“, She explains. If she is not yet worried in terms of activities, she stresses that this situation should not continue because ultimately, it could impact her activity.
A great love story between the United States and France
In France, tourism players were taken aback. "In 22 years of career, I have never known that", is still surprised Geoffrey Duval, chairman of the board of directors of the US Tourist Office in France. France is the 9th country to visit the United States each year. 1.8 million French people went there in 2019, an increase of 4% compared to 2018. “It is obvious that some companies will leave their feathers behind, but we will manage, because all those involved in tourism have a passion for the United States”. Many questions remain, while the peak of the epidemic has not been reached. Will the virus hold up with the heat? Are people going to travel this summer after this economic blow? “You can't know in advance! But the United States and France have a great love story which, contrary to what the Rita Mitsouko song says, always ends well ”, assures Geoffrey Duval. All tourism stakeholders have but one hope: that the April 12 deadline will end travel restrictions.
Article written by Grégory Durieu (Miami), Laurent Garrigues (Las Vegas) and Marie Demeulenaere (Washington DC).