More than a dozen officers are under investigation for these bad practices

Los Angeles police made false accusations of gang members to inflate statistics

Headquarters of the Los Angeles Police Department.

Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / La Opinion

The Los Angeles Police Department he has discontinued at least to three policemen and keeps under investigation to more than one dozen after discovering the falsification of information in reports, according to a statement this Monday. This, after having found that some police falsely identified individuals as gang members, and accused them without real evidence.

The officers, assigned to special patrols in the southern Los Angeles, were suspended by falsify interview data obtained in patrols, in an effort to inflate statisticssaid the officer Mike Lopez in the middle CNN. Reports are originated when police stop “random” vehicle drivers, even if they have no accusation or direct motive to stop them.

The three suspended officers had been assigned to the Metropolitan Division, and the internal investigation in the division it seeks to ensure that there are no more discrepancies in the information records. The authorities stated that, if applicable, they could be submitted criminal charges against the officers for this foul.

How did they discover the cops?

A woman who lives in the San Fernando Valley reported that he received a letter from the Police Department, in which he said his son was gangster at the beginning of 2019. As she thought this was not true, she reported the error to the supervisor of a nearby police station. The supervisor reviewed the case Y found errors in the evidence. In response, they notified the mother that her son he would no longer be identified as a gang member in the police records.

Since then, an internal investigation was initiated, in which recorded material was checked in the police body cameras and compared with their reports. So, they found documentation inconsistencies registered by several officers; in some cases, they were "blatantly incorrect."

"Intentionally lie It is a death sentence for a police officer's career, "Lopez said," but more importantly, it has a negative impact on the Department's reputation. "

The Police Department announced last fall that they will decrease the practice of arbitrarily stopping vehicle drivers. This practice especially affects the African-American population of the county, as the newspaper reported Los Angeles Times.

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