Los Angeles County established a coronavirus isolation zone at Dockweiler RV Park and urged the public to avoid the area
Dockweiler RV Park will be used to isolate people with coronavirus symptoms.
Beaches LA County / Courtesy
Los Angeles authorities are accommodating Dockweiler RV Park, a recreational vehicle park at 12001 Vista del Mar, Playa del Rey, on the oceanfront, as an isolation area for people who need to be quarantined for coronavirus, but they are not sick enough to be hospitalized.
First thing on Tuesday, five perfectly equipped people were in charge of thoroughly cleaning all the caravans of the place with disinfectant products, while other workers added more such vehicles to increase the capacity of the camp in Playa del Rey.
That place near the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) will be specially dedicated from the next days to house homeless people and tourists with symptoms of COVID-19.
In addition, residents of El Segundo, the city of Los Angeles county in which the RV Park is located, may also go to the camping site to recover in case of falling ill.
The mayor of El Segundo, Drew Boyles, In an interview with local television, Spectrum said he was "happy" to be part of the solution against the coronavirus pandemic.
“We are happy to be part of the solution and feel that a good plan is underway. We have been working with our fire department and our police department on all the different safety precautions, "Boyles argued.
As part of the plan, the county Office of Emergency Management has purchased more than 100 recreational vehicles for temporary housing at Dockweiler.
These measures come after more than 140 cases and one death from the coronavirus have been registered in Los Angeles and in California, one of the most affected states in the country, eleven people have died.
Nationally, the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to advance throughout the country, where at least 4,953 cases and at least 87 deaths are registered throughout the country, according to the latest official data reported by the authorities of the states and territories of the country.
With information from EFE