Two years ago, the controversy had swelled. Philippe Besson was approached to be named Consul of Los Angeles. After the appeal of the CFDT of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Council of State annulled the decree taken by the government in August 2018 to appoint the writer deemed close to the Macron.

After the departure of Christophe Lemoine last summer, the Consulate was in expectation, and Nathalie Soirat was acting.

The page is definitively turned: a decree published on Thursday August 13 announces the assumption of post of Julie Duhaut-Bedos, currently in function as First Counselor at the Embassy of France in Camberra (Australia).

A graduate of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, this executive from the Quai d’Orsay is entering her twentieth year of service with this prestigious appointment.


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