In these difficult times we are with you

Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / La Opinion

With an extraordinary effort, La Opinion continues to come out every day. We are here to help you get ahead in these unprecedented moments in our history.

To give you useful information about the disease; how to take care of yourself, how to detect it, how to avoid getting infected, where you can find help.

To inform the community of the latest news on the coronavirus crisis.

To bring you fresh news of what is happening in our countries.

To transmit the messages of those in charge of organizing the response to the coronavirus.

To encourage you to keep going, because together, we can.

La Opinion continues to sell every day in the same places where it has always been. You can buy La Opinion in thousands of sales boxes, retail stores, supermarkets, grocery stores.

In this world and in this situation, we go out because our people buy from us.

So: so that we can be with the community, buy La Opinion.

Because here, too, we are here and we are not leaving.

Your Opinion Team


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