1. If something is affordable, it means its price is low enough that you (or most people) have enough money to buy it.
  2. Affordable is the adjective form of the verb afford.
  3. If you can afford something, you have enough money to pay for it.

Besides, How do you say product is affordable? When a price is ‘reasonable’, it seems fair – neither cheap nor expensive.

  1. I would definitely go to that restaurant again. They offer good food at a reasonable price.
  2. Vegetables are very reasonable at this time of year. (= not too expensive)
  3. They sell quality products at reasonable prices.

What is the noun for affordable?

Want to learn more?

What are some examples of affordable? If something is affordable, it’s priced reasonably, and you have enough money to buy it. Your friends might be jealous that the bike you bought at a yard sale was so affordable.

Hence, How do you use affordable in a sentence? Affordable sentence example

  1. Distributed computing makes enormous computational problems affordable to solve. …
  2. I want to buy a new car, but the payments aren’t affordable given my current salary. …
  3. A lack of safe and affordable childcare options is one of the biggest problems affecting today’s working families.

What is the verb of cheap?

cheapen. (transitive) to decrease the value of; to make cheap.

Why affordable price is important?

Charging a low price encourages many customers to buy your products and services by making them affordable and offering them a reason to choose your products over those of your competitors. Charging a fair price does not necessarily mean charging the lowest possible price.

How much will you sell your product?

To calculate your product selling price by unit, follow these three steps: Calculate the total cost of all units purchased. Divide the total cost by the total number of units purchased – this will provide you with the cost price. Use the selling price formula to calculate the final selling price.

How do you use alternative in a sentence?

Alternative sentence example

  • He had to make alternative arrangements. …
  • He had no alternative but to leave. …
  • I guess the alternative was worse. …
  • An alternative method of going public is to merge with a company that is already public. …
  • The back door was too far away for her rubbery legs, and the only alternative was the sink.

How do you say cheap in classy way?


  1. bargain.
  2. budget.
  3. cheap.
  4. cost-effective.
  5. economical.
  6. fair.
  7. low-cost.
  8. modest.

How do you say cheap in slang?

  1. poor-quality, second-rate, third-rate, substandard, low-grade, inferior, common, vulgar, shoddy, trashy, tawdry, tinny, brassy, worthless, meretricious, cheap and nasty, cheapjack, gimcrack, Brummagem, pinchbeck.
  2. informal cheapo, junky, tacky, kitsch, not up to much.


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