If a resident or merchant cannot pay rent due to the coronavirus economic crisis, they cannot be evicted

Garcetti bans residential and commercial evictions in Los Angeles for non-payment of rent

Federal Building in Los Angeles' Dowtown.

Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / La Opinion

Eric Garcetti, Mayor of The Angels, signed an emergency decree last Monday afternoon prohibiting residential and commercial evictions under the Ellis Act. Formerly the governor of the state of California, Gavi Newsom, had issued a similar executive order allowing local governments to take these measures to protect residents Y merchants during the coronavirus emergency.

If the tenants residential or commercial they can't pay the rent due to the economic crisis derived from the mandatory quarantine, "they cannot be evicted and they will have six months, from the date on which the emergency period ends, to pay the pending rent"

Some of the reasons stated, and that must be demonstrated, loss of income due to the closing or reduction of hours of the workplace due to coronavirus, loss of income or child care expenses due to the closing of schools, health expenses derived from the infection of the tenant virus or any member of the family.

Learn about the process in detail in Los Angeles Department of Housing and Development Community page.


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