The legendary organization Homeboy Industries has expansion plans: they want to offer shelter to homeless homies

Expanders in Los Angeles: life after violence

Jesuit Father Gregory Boyle, founder of Homeboy Industries (left).

Jorge Luis Macias / The Opinion (archive).

The legendary organization Homeboy Industries has reported that he plans expand your services, and offer hostel to the people who have left his life behind in gangs.

"The number of homies that are living in his car or on the couch from someone else’s house, it’s amazing, ”said the leader, father Gregory Boyleto the newspaper Los Angeles Times. "Sixty percent of gang members they are, in fact, homeless".

Currently, Homeboy Industries offers temporary housing and access to facilities for addicts, but now they are looking for something more permanent. For this, the board of directors of this nonprofit organization has approved to add “Transitional shelter”, near its headquarters, in the street of West Bruno, in Chinatown.

The new center in the planning and design phase, and would be destined to serve former gang members who have enrolled in the 18 month training program that the organization provides. The building would have capacity for host up to one hundred people, and could open in 2021.

In addition, Boyle said they will seek to offer a kindergarten for the children of the expanders, as well as a mental health Center.

The Jesuit priest, Greg Boyle, began working with gang members 31 years ago in East Los Angeles, and founded Homeboy Bakery, predecessor of Homeboy Industries, for be able to offer employment to gang members who want to regenerate. Thus, the well-known organization provides a second chance for ex-convicts convinced of leaving violence behind and looking for a new life.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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