(Promoted article) The tax implemented at the federal level by Barack Obama to encourage the signing of contracts called " Obamacare compliant Has been repealed by Donald Trump as of 1st January 2019.

To counter this measure, some states, including California, have decided to apply this tax at the local level. The new regulation will enter into force on 1st January 2020.

If you do not have health insurance that meets the Obamacare criteria, you will have to pay an annual fee. It is $ 695 per adult and $ 375.50 per child
or 2.5% of the annual tax revenue per household, whichever is greater. This penalty is capped at the amount of the average rate applicable for the household if it had subscribed to the plan bronze in the Californian health market, Covered California.

More than ever, it will be crucial to be well insured from 1 January 2020, to escape this penalty. For expatriates, this means choosing a plan that complies with California regulations. AgoraExpat, An independent health insurance brokerage firm based in the United States for more than 20 years supports and advises you in your efforts. On the basis of your personal situation and your needs, the AgoraExpat team is in charge of finding the most appropriate insurance solution

AgoraExpat works with WellAway, which offers solutions specifically designed for French expatriates. You benefit from comprehensive health benefits and comply with California regulations, while being covered during your stays abroad.

For members of the Caisse des Français de l'étranger (CFE)

A solution has been specially designed to offer you a reduced rate of 23% when you subscribe in addition. In addition, thanks to a partnership between WellAway and CFE, the repayment method is simplified.

The AgoraExpat team is at your service. Do not hesitate to contact her for a complete study of your situation.

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