Funded by federal and state funds, the California Employment Center of America (AJCC) has been tasked with providing vital help to businesses and job seekers.

In Los Angeles County there are 19 AJCC centers that are responsible for serving companies that are looking for personnel, information on obtaining loans or business licenses, among others.

They also help job seekers with training in education and other careers; in addition to other services.

Irene Pelayo, manager of Employment Development Programs at AJCC, said that in one day they receive an average of 5,000 visits from people and companies seeking help.

"All of our services are aimed at finding employment for people and a path to the middle class," he explained.

“We know that many people need to work and take minimum wage jobs, but that is not a living wage for them. We understand that and continue to work with them until we take them to the next step in the next company. ”

A virtual way

However, since the coronavirus outbreak arose, the center has had to change its operation to comply with the orders of social distancing given by the Governor of California.

For this reason, since March 23, the AJCC centers provide care and services through expanded virtual help through their website. However, whoever needs a service that requires a visit in person must make an appointment in advance.

Pelayo said that shortly after the COVID-19 outbreak, they continued with their offices open but due to massive employee breaks, their lines became so long that they turned the block preventing a safe environment for people and equipment. AJCC.

"So what we did was publish all the information outside on how to apply for unemployment insurance, by phone and online, and through the application on your phone," he said.

"People who don't have Internet at home can apply and AJCC offers help to call them and get a free cell phone and Internet service."

Pelayo added that more direct aid applicants include people who do not speak English, cannot read or write, who have problems with their checks or companies that face eviction problems or high bills.

Currently, the virtual employment system allows applicants to view information such as: job offers, evaluations and information on the labor market through the county's CalJOBS portal, access to free educational tools to learn new skills and community resources, including support and partner organizations.

There is also specific information for recently laid off workers, people with disabilities, the homeless and people involved in justice.

The 19 Los Angeles County AJCC Job Centers are offering virtual services to workers and employers. (WDACS)

There is work available

Pelayo said food and basic necessities companies are currently hiring in bulk.

"Right now the service organizations, all the supermarkets you can think of, like Ralphs and Walmart, all the union jobs are hiring thousands, as well as all the food deliveries," Pelayo said.

The manager said that there will also be employment for many emergency services that did not exist before, such as new shelters, new hospitals and support personnel.

The need is so great that potential employers are hiring people the same day.

"Even background checks through the courts, which are closed, all those things that are normally barriers to further delay, are not being applied due to the pandemic," he explained.

AJCC also offers information on WorkShare programs, which will allow companies to access a group of skilled workers. In addition to information about the Los Angeles County moratorium, business eviction resources and utility bill extensions.

AJCC is part of the Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) whose mission is to connect communities and improve the lives of all generations in Los Angeles County.

For more information and / or to request employment or advice in this entity visit:

Job Seekers or Employees:


Telephone: (888) 226-6300

Social Media: @LACountyWDACS

Companies or employers:


Telephone: (213) 810-1641

Social Media: @lacbizdev


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