The giant made the news again: employees who warned about the impact of the company on climate change could be laid off

Amazon's new supermarket chain, to open this year in Los Angeles

The new Amazon store in California promises strong competition for supermarkets in California.


Amazon have a ambitious plan to compete in the field of supermarkets, and will take its first steps this year, with the new shop that is about to open in The Angels. Possibly it will be located where before there was a toy store Of the brand Toys R Us, in Woodland hills, to the north of the city.

The company had done the ad since the end of last year, when he said that with this measure he seeks to conquer an industry in which he still does not predominate. Although he bought in 2017 chain Whole foods, and that has a sale of edible products In its application, the giant has lagged behind in this branch of the business. However, the company does not give up, and that is why it will open this year the first of a supermarket chain in this area of ​​Los Angeles.

Meanwhile, the name of Jeff Bezos, main owner of Amazon, unleashed controversy in recent days, after the news that he could fire a couple of employees, who since mid-2019 they urged the company to commit more clearly to the fight against climate change. "They violated the company's communication policy," the company said.

At least two of the employees are part of the group “Amazon Employees for Climate Justice“, Who published a letter last April, signed by 8,700 employees, in which they requested that the company make an effort to change its practices, which worsen climate change and its consequences.

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