A second batch of delayed results added 880 of the day's new cases for a total of more than 15,100 infections.
A health specialist performs the evaluation of a patient in a healthcare center.
The Los Angeles Department of Public Health reported a further increase in the number of cases of COVID-19 in the county for a total of 15,140 infections due to illness.
The director of the department, Barbara Ferrer, referred to the inclusion of data delayed for the second consecutive day. "Today we are reporting 1,400 cases but 880 of them come from a delay in the results.", he claimed.
According to the director, this is normal after weekends.
Ferrer talso confirmed the death of another 46 angelenos for a total of 663 deaths for disease in county The Angels. According to department data 89% of those killed by COVID-19 had some chronic health condition.
The health system is currently medical care and attention is provided to 1,739 county residents.
Take measures for outbreak in refuge
Director Ferrer specifically referred to the infection outbreak at the shelter Union Rescue Mission of Downtown Los Angeles.
"We have worked together with the mission director since the first case reported on March 28"Said the director.
Having many guests in the mission that houses homeless people, the department and the management of the center have taken steps to screen people with and without symptoms of the disease.
"We did 200 tests and with the result of 178 we found 43 positive cases. 27 people who tested positive were asymptomatic"Said the director. In addition, he assured that all had been isolated.
Dozens of homeless people relocated after skid row shelter reports six coronavirus cases https://t.co/7KlrW9K2tI
– Union Rescue Mission (@URM) April 16, 2020
The mission agreed with the health department that residents and staff remaining at the institution will remain under quarantine and they will not accept new guests to control the outbreak.
Ferrer mentioned the transfers made in recent weeks of 184 of the residents of the place to hotel rooms. "There are 112 people who were direct contacts and are in quarantine or observation. 72 residents were identified with chronic and isolated health problems"He confirmed.